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How the digital melanoma screening looks like?

In our screening centre we use the latest cutting-edge digital technology for testing, analysing and recording of skin lesions. Imaging System FotoFinder© Videodermatoscope and the supporting analysing software based on artificial intelligence, along with the professional skills and experience of our dermatology specialist doctors ensure the recognised high level of melanoma screening in our facility.

  1. The screening examination in each case takes place at a prescheduled time. You can arrange an appointment either online through our website, or through telephone call with the assistance of our colleagues.
  2. At the arranged time you will meet one of our dermatology specialist doctors, who will carry out the examination for you. The screening examination may take 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the number of moles.
  3. As a first step, our dermatology specialist will carry out a primary examination, which involves the visual examination of the whole skin surface using a manual dermatoscope. While doing that, he will also ask you questions about your sun-bathing habits, as well as the possible incidence of melanoma or cancer in your direct family history. These pieces of information may play an important role in revealing your risk factors.
  4. As a second step, our dermatology specialist will take a record of the images of moles and skin lesions which he considers a risk, in the FotoFinder© Videodermatoscope system. We take two or three images of all the lesions: one distant image for identifying the position of the mole on the body, and a high resolution 20-40x image which will be able to show in detail the inner structure and all parameters of the moles in question. During the subsequent follow-up examination those pictures will be compared with the current state of the lesions; and all the possible changes will be analyzed.
  5. The specialist doctor, based on the data of the analyzing software and his own experience, will make a decision whether a certain mole needs any direct intervention (surgical removal) or a stricter observation compared to a regular case. (follow-up exam will take place within 1-3 months). The decision in each case will be made by the specialist doctor, the artificial intelligence supports the doctor during the analysing process only.
  6. At the end of the examination you will be given a Specialist Doctor’s Final Record, which includes the anamnesis, the risk rating of your case, the dermatologist’s opinion, along with future recommendations, as well as the time of the recommended follow-up examination.

In case a skin lesion will require a surgical removal, the intervention may be carried out directly in our facility by our surgical specialist. The intervention will also require previous scheduling, which can be made with the assistance of our staff-members right after the examination. The histology examination is part of the removal, since it will provide an answer whether your case requires any further intervention or your results are normal.

NOTE: removal of a mole containing pigments may be carried out only and exclusively by surgical excision, so that based on the removed tissues we would be able to perform a professional histology exam. It is prohibited to burn or ice a mole, or to remove it either with laser or other means of removal by destruction.

Price for digital melanoma screening

Including dermatology

Health insurrance